Reading Lists
Animal Tales

Some memorable books from your childhood often feature special relationships between humans and animals, which taught some very important lessons about love, friends ...
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Heading outside to walk now that the weather is nice? Doing some gardening or cleaning the house and looking for something to make your chores more entertaining? Dow ...
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Beach Reads

Check out these beach reads sure to get you in the mood for summer!

Best Sellers

Try one of these best sellers that you may have missed the first time around.


Make a new friend with one of the books from our list.

Celebrate Diversity

Celebrate diversity with one of the books from our list.


Want to catch up on all of those books you were supposed to read in high school? Wondering if the books that are the “best books written”, really are? Check out our classics list to find out.

Community Matters

We’re all in this together! These books explore adult friendships and how kindness and compassion can leave a lasting impression on individuals and their community.

Edgar Awards

The Edgar Allan Poe Awards are presented every year by the Mystery Writers of America, based in New York City. Named after American writer Edgar Allan Poe, a pioneer ...
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Fairytales and fantasy books aren't just for kids. Are you looking to discover new worlds and exciting characters to fall in love with? Check out these books and Imagine Your Story.

Gentle Reads

Looking for books that have a great story but won’t make you cringe. Try one of these books from our Senior Reads list.

Historical Fiction

Go back in time with these historical reads.


Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night?

Long Island Reads

Every year the Long Island Reads committee chooses a book written by a Long Island author or that is set on Long Island. Get caught up with this year’s selection, as ...
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Man Booker Prize

The Booker Prize for Fiction is a literary prize awarded each year for the best original novel written in the English language and published in the United Kingdom.

National Book Award

The mission of the National Book Foundation is to celebrate the best literature in America, expand its audience, and ensure that books have a prominent place in American culture.

Nature Seekers

Introduce young readers to the natural world, travel, conservation, and other adventures while they engage with these exciting stories told by a fun cast of characters.

Pride Month

Celebrate Pride Month all summer long with these books from LGBTQ authors and books with LGBTQ characters.

Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States.


Fall in love with a good book.

Science Fiction

These books are out of this world!

Self Improvement

Become a better you with one of these great reads.

Short Stories

Don’t have the attention span to read an entire book? Kids won’t leave you alone long enough to enjoy a novel? Try one of these short story collections.

Suspenseful Reads

The books on this list will keep you on the edge of your seat.

True Crime

Always been fascinated with real-life crimes? Truth is stranger than fiction with this list of true crime reads.

Wild and Free

A diverse range of stories about friendship, acceptance, adventure, and nature geared toward the YA reader.

Women's Prize for Fiction

The Women's Prize for Fiction is one of the United Kingdom's most prestigious literary prizes. It is awarded annually to a female author of any nationality for the b ...
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Shine Bright

Explore space with your little ones as you read about the stars and our universe. These books shine as bright as the sun!

Believe in the Impossible

Take a trip to lands of incredible creatures and never-ending adventures. These books will take you to faraway places and beyond! Imagine Your Story and believe in the impossible.

Out of This World

Travel as far as the sun and as close as the moon, these children's books will take you around the universe. From nonfiction to fiction, these space books are out of this world!

Space Out

Houston, we have a problem! What if space was the only place you knew? Space out with these (inter)stellar YA books, taking place all over the universe.